Multi Norm Services


Our Services

  • Building and Design.
  • GSM & CDMA Turkey Project.
  • Site Acquisition.
  • Co-Location.
  • Cell-Site Maintenance & over-hauling Services.
  • Sales, Supply& Services of Equipment & Materials.
  • Hybrid Solution provider, sales, installation & services.
  • Energy Supply.
  • Cell Site Civil Works Construction.
  • Shelter Erection.
  • Tower Erection
  • Shelter Reticulation And Electrical Works
  • Palisade Fence Fabrication & Installation
  • Site RF Equipment Installation
  • Soil Test.
  • External Line Plant(ELP).
  • Rural Electrification service.
  • Supply & Installation of transformer, Generator & general service.
  • Material Supply includes, AVR, Rectifiers, inverter, RF equipment, earthen material.
  • Fabrication / Construction of warehouse steel and erection
  • Boiler Installation
  • Pipeline Work.
  • Fabrication of Antennal Bracket, Gantry Poles, Palisade Fence (All specification), Shelter Base Chrome Galvanize, Cable Trail, Cable Adjuster, Cable Dropper & Stand.
  • Haulage.
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